Friday, May 1, 2009

Exam Questions: Of Mice and Men

Where were did George and Lennie before they came to Saladad?

A.Philadelphia C.Domania
B.New York D. Weed

Why did George and Lennie move away from Weed?

A.Cause Lennie raped George 's Grandma
B.George and Lennie wanted to take a vacation
C.Lennie touched a girl and he like it
D. Lennie was feeling a dress of a girl and was accused of rape.

Which phrase best describes the relationship between Lennie and George?

A. Messed Up C. Mis-Match
B. Warm Hearted D. Big and Little Brother

What is the greatest motif associated with Lennie?

A. Puppies C. Rabbits
B. Birds D. Mice

Rabbits are symbols that Lennie are closely associated with, but what do they mean?

A. American Dream C. The Farm house
B. White Fur covered Animals that eat carrots D. Purity of Thought

Essay Question: Beyond The line
Lennie petting things and killing them a symbol?

The word Symbol means
something that represents something else by association.In Of Mice and Men almost everything is a symbol, from the title to the characters. My main focus is on the character Lennie's obsession with touching and petting. 3 separate times in the book I'm looking at. The first is the scene where Lennie and George got off the bus and George asks Lennie for the mouse in his pocket. The Second is when Lennie spends a night in the barn and wakes up with a dead puppy on his lap. the 3rd is when Lennie and Curly's wife in barn. These scenes contain symbols that can seen as something else in the present day.

The first focused scene is when Lennie has the dead mouse in his pocket. That mouse is symbol and the fact that Lennie wanted to rub it but instead killing it. I can say that the mouse is indigenous culture or life and western culture is trying to interact with them. This interaction is deadly to the culture and thus kills it. We can connect this with today's world, there are many cultures that the civilized world hasn't encountered yet. If our world was to interact with them, we would corrupt there way of life. Their culture and way of life has is problem for them and they enjoy it. Bring ourselves into the picture changes their beliefs and way of life. Such as the Africans before the Europeans came to Africa. Africans had been tribal warfare with each other, they used spears and swords. But now Europeans come over and now the tribes that trade with Europeans get guns. This gives them a deadly advantage over the other tribes. This would in turn would continue the wars and the death. This was eventually kill off the African culture and make dead as a people, as in their ideals and beliefs are destroyed.

The Second focus is the scene when Lennie kills the puppy and doesn't realize it in his sleep. He wakes up and is distraught over the death of his new friend by his hands. This a symbol of the American Dream dying on a individual that really wanted it. That dream was to have a home for the first time in his life. It have a place to own and have rabbits. But now that puppy is dead, Lennie thinks that George won't let him tend the rabbits. The puppy was young and fragile, thats why it died, because it wasn't ready for George. This relates to life, sometimes in life we make plans that aren't yet ready to be implemented. Such as make plans that ride on one thing and depends on it. Its important ideas and dreams that make us successful, while in the same instance if it fails, it'll make a great book. The dream for the farm house on the hill with a windmill is over, at least in Lennie's mind.

My threerd focus is the scene when Lennie is rubbing Curly's wife hair and he gets to rough. She just wanted to cheer him up so she allowed him to touch her hair. I think her symbolizes power of women and the act of touch it is like giving some it up. So she is giving her power to Lennie who feels powerless, so him being a man, wants alot of it. So when Curly's wife is done giving Lennie power, he continues when she says no stop. She screams, which symbolizes Resistance, this in turn makes Lennie grab her and put his hand over her mouth. That act of grabbing her symbolizes male domination and the hand over mouth is, man taking the women voice away. Back then women can't vote or take part in politics. Also didn't have alot power. So Lennie has taken away her power and she struggles to free herself. In response Lennie tightens his grip around her mouth and head. Before long he snaps her neck and kills her. The killing of a powerful women or a women with some power, is symbolic to the problems they faced back then.
They faced discrimination and not having a voice in politic and any aspect of life in some way.

In conclusion, Lennie's killings that start off just as random, really has a purpose. Each scene Ive focused on has had a symbol. The scene with dead mouse, the scene with dead puppy, and the scene with the dead woman. The symbols have been first Culture of another race, the second the American Dream and timing of planning, and finally the powerless women of this time.

What is a Motif that Lennie does the whole story?
A. Kills what he touches C. Run away from people
B. Be smart D. Acts Dumb

Between the Line Paragraph: Does George Really care for Lennie

I don't think George really does, he is just using Lennie. First Lennie is big and strong, but he is easily taken advantage of. Lennie is more of a little-big kid than a man. While George is smart and knows that Lennie is naive. George doesn't have a job, but his main employment is farming or ranching. So it would be to his benefit to use Lennie make good money. My second and finally reason is that George is always talking at Lennie, always yelling at him. Lennie is kind and doesn't cause any trouble with anybody, less they start with George. But every time Lennie asks, what George perceives as a stupid question, snaps on Lennie. He only ridicule him instead of encourage him to do his best.

What Word best Describes Curly's Wife?

A. Misunderstood C. Tart
B. Skank D. Ork

My Review on Mice and Men

Mice and Men can only be explained in one word for me, completely awesome! Lennie is so cool, how he goes around and just does stuff. Then in the end just care about rabbits, that guy cracks me up. The book has many lovable characters, but without its funny motifs. Just weird things that happen over and over and over again.

Lennie and George are the main characters, but personally I like Lennie. His antics and endless obsession with rabbits and mice, make the story alittle more enjoy with the language. My favorite Lennie moment was when he start petting Curly's wife, but ended up killing her, which made me chuckle. It mad make me laugh because, he was fine and soon as u go to the next line he got his hand around her head and mouth. Then soon there after Snaps her neck, weird. The scene started innecent and turned Violent.

Now motifs, only characters I think has the most of them and the most crazy ones is Lennie and George. Lennie likes to pet and touch everything, including little mice and adult Women. George is always putting Lennie down and then later liting him back up. Lennie would forget thoughout the story, things George told him. George would get mad and start yelling at Lennie if he asked more than once. But in the end would tell him what he wanted to know. This lifts up Lennie's spirit and allows him to go about his iggnorence is bliss personality. Now, when we first read about Lennie, he sounds.....well stupid. But he is so funny with his actions, such as when he puts up random field mice. He pets them so hard, they die. Thats don't stop lennie, he just continues to pet them. Then when George finds out he throwns them into the surronding brush. I never understood the point, but thats another review.

To sum it all up, the book is fun. You will have a great time just reading and trying found the ennjoyment in Lennie's weird but strangely cool actions. George bad guys to good guy style will have looking at yourself, and wonder if you do what he does.