Friday, May 1, 2009

My Review on Mice and Men

Mice and Men can only be explained in one word for me, completely awesome! Lennie is so cool, how he goes around and just does stuff. Then in the end just care about rabbits, that guy cracks me up. The book has many lovable characters, but without its funny motifs. Just weird things that happen over and over and over again.

Lennie and George are the main characters, but personally I like Lennie. His antics and endless obsession with rabbits and mice, make the story alittle more enjoy with the language. My favorite Lennie moment was when he start petting Curly's wife, but ended up killing her, which made me chuckle. It mad make me laugh because, he was fine and soon as u go to the next line he got his hand around her head and mouth. Then soon there after Snaps her neck, weird. The scene started innecent and turned Violent.

Now motifs, only characters I think has the most of them and the most crazy ones is Lennie and George. Lennie likes to pet and touch everything, including little mice and adult Women. George is always putting Lennie down and then later liting him back up. Lennie would forget thoughout the story, things George told him. George would get mad and start yelling at Lennie if he asked more than once. But in the end would tell him what he wanted to know. This lifts up Lennie's spirit and allows him to go about his iggnorence is bliss personality. Now, when we first read about Lennie, he sounds.....well stupid. But he is so funny with his actions, such as when he puts up random field mice. He pets them so hard, they die. Thats don't stop lennie, he just continues to pet them. Then when George finds out he throwns them into the surronding brush. I never understood the point, but thats another review.

To sum it all up, the book is fun. You will have a great time just reading and trying found the ennjoyment in Lennie's weird but strangely cool actions. George bad guys to good guy style will have looking at yourself, and wonder if you do what he does.

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