Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where All the Fun At?!

"When the heck is this class gonna end!" says Jourdan Dunbar. Ralph Lemar replies "Dunno, this class is great and i like it." Jourdan responds "I don't know about that, this class is bore as hell."

Boredom, is the most worst thing to happen to a student. Especially when your in a class that you know has no impact on your life! We all have had that moment, where we realize this fact. This can be very effective in making students not want to learn. This in turn will lead students to fail the class, this may also ultimately mess up their future. One student, Jourdan Dunbar, graduating class of 2011, said “ Class is to boring and not any real excitement.” He also suggested that more excitment or interest in the class room.

When students first started searching for schools and came across Constitution. They had alright thought and about what it was about. So, when they came to for interview, they looked at the classes, they thought of this is cool. Nope. The next year they came they didn’t get those classes. Such classes as Robotics, Solar car building, and many others. It seems like there was more on paper then in the school. Students felt disappointed and especially when the current classes don’t remotely resemble what you thought you’d have in 10th grade. Nikki Brenhut, graduating year 2011, said” I don’t understand why we don’t have electives and other schools have them.” Schools such as Science Leadership Academy(SLA), Central High school, and Bok Technical School.

Most Students in CHS have at less one in common, they want to get into the legal field or politics.
Some students really don't want to become lawyers or get into the field. Some actually want to become Computer Technicians or Auto-mechanic or even Soldiers. The reason they came here to our school, is that they wanted the classes they were led to believe the school provided. Programs like robotics, automotive, and other classes. Ralph Lemar, graduating class of 2011, says that he looked forward to the automotive class, but was upset when it wasn't provided.

Some students in CHS come from places that weren't as caring as this school. The schools they came before their current, didn't provide the same teacher and student relationship as they do now. Ralph Lemar said " Thought classes would be hard for me. In my last school, I didn't learn around computers. Teachers just gave work and didnt explain it. This school is good, classes are better and easier to learn." CHS Teachers are great teachers that care about the students, making them feel good in class. Or at less better then they felt in their previous school. Ralph says that he feels good in class and doesn't feel bad when he get an answer wrong. If students feel good about their classes and about themselfs then class wont be that boring.

So, dispite all of the bordom and missed classes, students still get quility education. Students are still disappointed that the classes they wanted aren't there but they are happy about the educatin their getting. Although the classes might not be as similar to other High Schools but our school has better teacher and student relationship. So, dispite its faults and mistakes the school has great opportunies for students.

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