Thursday, October 30, 2008

David Harris and LtCol. John Pual Vonn

David Harris was a protester and he represented the hearts and mind of American Protesters. While LtCol.John Paul Vonn repersented the other. He was the only Civilian to be honored during the Vietnam War. he went on to write books and when he died, the president personally honored him with the Medal of Freedom. Make his the only civlian to get this award during war.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thesis Statement: Vietnam War

The longest and most bloodiest war in American history was the Vietnam War. It was a war that dragged on for ten years, in which Americans suffered heavy losses. 58,000 American Soldiers were killed and 304,000 were wounded. American citizens were not very supportive of the war and due to this the soldier's morale was low. This could have cause the Allied Forces to lose to the Communist Forces.

Thesis Statement: Vietnam

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Annos.

Ive searched many websites and only a couple provide great information. One is, it has primary sources and other things like videos even pictures. The website also provides a timeline of the Vietnam War, even before America commited to a ground force. I will use this site to explain how the soldiers felt about the war and the timeline that followed.

The other site is called, it provides almost the same thing does, but it provides a more detailed timeline. I'll use it basisly the same way I'm using, the only difference is the timeline details.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Second Anno.

This source is a great picture website, it has picture of the war and protesters in American, known as "Hippies". I can use the pictures to show the silent protesting by soldiers in Vietnam. There is a picture of a soldier carrying a guitar and a M-16 assault rifle. Its in black and white and the soldier is not facing the camera, he is looking off to the distances. This website's picture are primary sources and secondary sources.
Leuhusen, Peter."Vietnam War" January 23, 2006

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Topic Seletion :Vietnam War and The Individuals

My topic is The Vietnam war and the different views on it. I will research the two view on the Vietnam War. I'll compare and contrast theirs and impact on the war. The Two individuals are LtCol.John Paul Vann a US Army Commander and David Harris a protester.