Thursday, October 30, 2008
David Harris and LtCol. John Pual Vonn
David Harris was a protester and he represented the hearts and mind of American Protesters. While LtCol.John Paul Vonn repersented the other. He was the only Civilian to be honored during the Vietnam War. he went on to write books and when he died, the president personally honored him with the Medal of Freedom. Make his the only civlian to get this award during war.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thesis Statement: Vietnam War
The longest and most bloodiest war in American history was the Vietnam War. It was a war that dragged on for ten years, in which Americans suffered heavy losses. 58,000 American Soldiers were killed and 304,000 were wounded. American citizens were not very supportive of the war and due to this the soldier's morale was low. This could have cause the Allied Forces to lose to the Communist Forces.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Annos.
Ive searched many websites and only a couple provide great information. One is, it has primary sources and other things like videos even pictures. The website also provides a timeline of the Vietnam War, even before America commited to a ground force. I will use this site to explain how the soldiers felt about the war and the timeline that followed.
The other site is called, it provides almost the same thing does, but it provides a more detailed timeline. I'll use it basisly the same way I'm using, the only difference is the timeline details.
The other site is called, it provides almost the same thing does, but it provides a more detailed timeline. I'll use it basisly the same way I'm using, the only difference is the timeline details.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Second Anno.

This source is a great picture website, it has picture of the war and protesters in American, known as "Hippies". I can use the pictures to show the silent protesting by soldiers in Vietnam. There is a picture of a soldier carrying a guitar and a M-16 assault rifle. Its in black and white and the soldier is not facing the camera, he is looking off to the distances.
Leuhusen, Peter."Vietnam War" January 23, 2006

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Topic Seletion :Vietnam War and The Individuals
My topic is The Vietnam war and the different views on it. I will research the two view on the Vietnam War. I'll compare and contrast theirs and impact on the war. The Two individuals are LtCol.John Paul Vann a US Army Commander and David Harris a protester.
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Binoculars (Sci Service Learning)
• What are three big issues that create problems that our service is trying to address?
The three issues are: pollution hazards, the affects of pollution on humans, and the effects of pollution on the planet.
• What else could be done to change the situation:
o Locally people can stop pollution by taking the bus instead of driving or even using Hybrid vehicles. People can even clean up their neighborhood.
o Nationally people can stop throwing away products that can be recycled and used for other things.
o Internationally countries can research more evironment friendly forms of energy, like Solar power or nuclear power.
• How will service learning change your future behaviors/attitudes/and career? In my future career I will be more concerned with the health of my world, than myself. Instead of using products that effect my environment, I'll buy products that help my environment. Like using bottles that have alot of plastic in them or recycle my aluminium cans and containers
• How is the issue/agency you're serving impacted by what is going on in the larger political/social sphere? Pollution is a big topic in the government and whoever is the president will decide whether Americans will stop contributing to CO2 omissions. Global Warming is one the most talked issue in the world, for it effects everyone on the planet, even the animals.
The three issues are: pollution hazards, the affects of pollution on humans, and the effects of pollution on the planet.
• What else could be done to change the situation:
o Locally people can stop pollution by taking the bus instead of driving or even using Hybrid vehicles. People can even clean up their neighborhood.
o Nationally people can stop throwing away products that can be recycled and used for other things.
o Internationally countries can research more evironment friendly forms of energy, like Solar power or nuclear power.
• How will service learning change your future behaviors/attitudes/and career? In my future career I will be more concerned with the health of my world, than myself. Instead of using products that effect my environment, I'll buy products that help my environment. Like using bottles that have alot of plastic in them or recycle my aluminium cans and containers
• How is the issue/agency you're serving impacted by what is going on in the larger political/social sphere? Pollution is a big topic in the government and whoever is the president will decide whether Americans will stop contributing to CO2 omissions. Global Warming is one the most talked issue in the world, for it effects everyone on the planet, even the animals.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Service Learning
This week for service learning we grouped up in another group. We are now also researching Fire Detectors and are making a commercial to explain to reasons why to have Fire Detectors. Me and Nassir Williams are making the commercial and have alright started getting clips to put in it. The clips are of flaming houses and children in their beds, the children clips are for dramatic effect.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Service Learning Sci
In service learning this week my group made jobs and split them up among the group. My job is to research the Effects of Lead, my progress to good there are many web sites that give me good info.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
This week for service learning I have to research lead disposal sites or where they are located. I'm the lead group and I've research some they helpful things that I think will more our survey much more effective. Such as the dangers of lead poisoning during child birth and the long term effects. Brain damage, growth stoppage, and even death.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Service Learning Reflection
On thursday, for service learning I researched the types of pollutions that are silent killers. There are dozens of house-hold chemical that can be harmful to humans. There even more that are not in the house, but in the environment. My role in the Pollution group is to work on the computer, I basically copy and keep track of where the group is. I keep details about the types of pollutions the group comes up with. This week I am going to bring some new things I thought of into the group.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
N.H.D Reflection

N.H.D was a very stressful time during this school year. I've never experience anything like it, you have deadlines, you must have primary sources for your paper, and you gotta create a bibliography then revise all of it. My project for N.H.D was the United States Marine Corps, I wrote a 2000 word paper on them. My thesis was the Confederate Marine Corps made by the Confederate States of America , during the Civil War. The Confederate Marines were soldiers that fought in the Civil War (1861-1865), they were modeled after the U.S Marine Corps. Marines are trained to fight on board Naval vessels, in amphibious assaults, and since the development of the aircraft, to fight in the air also. During this project I learned to managing my time and to controlling my stress level. It was very stressful to research a project that partially no one wants or even thinks about researching. I am proud that I was able to write a 2000 word paper. I didn't think I could've done my paper without help from my teachers. I don't know what my grade is, but I hope I get A.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Is The Bible Real?
The bible, is it real, has the thought ever crossed your mind. Us children have all been taught that you should not question the bible. This a very controversial topic, is the bible true or is a another book? I think the bible isn't true, I think it is just another book. I have 3 reasons, one is that science can tell us more about the world than the bible. Two, the bible was written a long time ago and does not apply now. Back then if you did something the people could understand, it was branded as either witchcraft or you were so type of god-being. The three rd reason is that something things or events in the bible contradicts itself. For all these reasons, the bible can't be true.
The first reason is that science has more information than the bible. The bible said how the world was created, but how the world created in the bible doesn't make sense. It says how man was created, that god made him from clay and dirt. Science has proved that humans have evolved from lesser forms of life. Bones dating back millions of year ago.
The second is the bible was made in a time when people didn't know alot about the world. They didn't even have the equipment to study either. Some people thought the earth was flat and that there were mythical creatures around. Now, in the present we have more intelligent and we know how the really works.
My final reason for why the bible is not true is that some events in the bible contradict it. The story of how Jesus was born, the detail in that story seem a little funny. God impregnated Mary, but she was married. Is god above even his own laws. I don't think god give her a baby, she possibly cheated on Joseph and didn't want to tell him. Why you ask would she want anyone to know. Well, because back than you were stoned if convicted of cheating. She was to afraid of being killed so she make everyone believe Jesus was a miracle baby.
In conclusion, I have given my main reasons I think the bible is just another book. This may not be undeniable evidence but its a start. The first reason, science has a alot more information about the world. The Second, the bible was made by people who know almost nothing of how the world worked. The Third, events and stories have things that happen that contradict themselves and all that the bible stands for. I've done my part now you decide for yourself. When your reading the bible next time, think about the events and my essay I've wrote. Think about it, what if in a thousand year some one finds a book about a fictional character. This person doesn't know it, but the character is very convincing. I've realized that its all about a person's beliefs......what do you believe in?
The first reason is that science has more information than the bible. The bible said how the world was created, but how the world created in the bible doesn't make sense. It says how man was created, that god made him from clay and dirt. Science has proved that humans have evolved from lesser forms of life. Bones dating back millions of year ago.
The second is the bible was made in a time when people didn't know alot about the world. They didn't even have the equipment to study either. Some people thought the earth was flat and that there were mythical creatures around. Now, in the present we have more intelligent and we know how the really works.
My final reason for why the bible is not true is that some events in the bible contradict it. The story of how Jesus was born, the detail in that story seem a little funny. God impregnated Mary, but she was married. Is god above even his own laws. I don't think god give her a baby, she possibly cheated on Joseph and didn't want to tell him. Why you ask would she want anyone to know. Well, because back than you were stoned if convicted of cheating. She was to afraid of being killed so she make everyone believe Jesus was a miracle baby.
In conclusion, I have given my main reasons I think the bible is just another book. This may not be undeniable evidence but its a start. The first reason, science has a alot more information about the world. The Second, the bible was made by people who know almost nothing of how the world worked. The Third, events and stories have things that happen that contradict themselves and all that the bible stands for. I've done my part now you decide for yourself. When your reading the bible next time, think about the events and my essay I've wrote. Think about it, what if in a thousand year some one finds a book about a fictional character. This person doesn't know it, but the character is very convincing. I've realized that its all about a person's beliefs......what do you believe in?
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