Thursday, November 1, 2007

I choose my Philosophy of Government my metacogntive piece. This the first essay I totally love. This is the first that I've never thought of changing. Its basically about whether I think government is necessary, which you will read about. The first line(my hook) will draw you in and make you wanna read it. I enjoy reading this essay over and over again and you will to.
Philosophy of Government
Imagine a world where gunshots, screams, and sounds of unimaginable horror would be the lullaby of our children. A world where love and goodness, is being held hostage by hate and immorality. That is a world without government, government is necessary for maintained world order. I have read many articles on the philosophy of government. I personally believe that humans are not kind by nature, as Thomas Hobbes would agree. However, I do believe that humans have natural rights, as John Locke would agree also. The word “govern” means to control, regulate, or direct something. Without government there would be mass hysteria on a global scale. Without government who going to protect our children from treacherous criminals? Without government there is no way to defend ourselves against foreign aggressors.
Without government, people would be in anarchy and chaos. People’s lives would be ruled by death and fear. Officers protect us against violent individuals, who think they above the law. Without government, there is no police to protect us against criminals. People would be bullied by thugs, drug dealers, and crime lords. Crime would be a way of life, in fact the only way to get by. Just think, the only way to feed your family is to kill another family just to get a scrape. The only people who have found tranquility are the deceased.
In addition, without government there is no laws to protect us, instead of law-abiding citizens there would be murderers and rapist. Laws protect our children against offenders who want to hurt them. Without them, our children could be kidnapped and sold into child-labor. Crime would spread all over the world like a dark miasma of chaos. Other people can just decide that they own you and your love-ones. People would be shot dead in the streets in broad day-light. You wouldn’t even be safe in your own home against invaders. Bodies would line the side walk, people would dies by the thousands.
However, with government we are protected against these things. The government makes sure that we are protected against terrorism, biological attacks, and even against ourselves. The military is controlled by the government; military protects us against invasions of other countries. The government also makes the laws that make sure that people can not just walk in your home a harm you. The government also makes sure everybody voice is heard, if your want their voice heard.
Government’s main focus is on its people and maintained peace between other countries. The government also makes sure that there’s enough food, oil, and water for all of its citizens. The branches of the governments are dedicated to the citizens and the upkeep of the country it governs. My ideal government is based on the government system of Sparta. By Spartan law all of its people must be physically fit. Additionally, its people are citizen-soldiers that are kinda like American minutemen. The citizen-soldier is half soldier and half citizen, when the main army is away citizens defend the lands. The laws in this at good but have holes in them. I’m not saying that people need the strictest laws ever. And, I’m not saying that there needs to be limitations that are outrageous. There only needs to be limitations on what in laws, but at less make the laws strict and harsh to some extent. This stops people for even thinking about committing crime.
In conclusion government is very necessary to the fabric of life as we know it. We need government to prevent global chaos, to protect our children, and to stop foreign aggressors. Beyond question government is vital to our ability to move forward without fear and know we are in control of our future.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Whats The Most Important Subject

What makes the world go round? Is there life on other planets, life in the universe other than Earth. To found the answer, you go to science. Science is the most important subject, I have 3 reason why. My first point is that science has more do with the world. My second point is military technology benefits from the discoveries of science. My last point is communication, humans rely on this to talk to other humans, half way around the world.

Firstly, military technology benefits from the advances of science. Military aircraft have become better thanks to science. It becomes better in design and quality. The rockets we send into space are improved by science. Rockets become more durable in re-entry, faster, and have higher range.

Secondly, The world is composed of layers, consisting of rock into magma. Science helps all mankind to be able to found out why we are here and what we are going. Science has made numerous discoveries that has made our world a little more closer. The Internet was made by Bill Gates, he use science to make the Internet. Satellites are that are in space help us graph the physical features of our planet. Without science the world would not be what it is today.

Furthermore, communication has been made more productive thanks to science. Cell phones, land lines(telephones), and even radios have benefited from science. Radios have a high range and have become more advance far as design. Cell phones have a longer battery life and are have more features such as internet.

In closing, science is paramount to the fabic of our great world. If there was no science the world would not be what it is today. To just recap on the main points, science improves commanication, advances military technogoly, and has more to do with our great planet. For these awsome reasons, science is the most important subject.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Solar Power, The New Power Source?

Solar power comes from the sun's razes. The sun light could be used either as a heat or energy source. In the 1830s, a explorer John Herschel used something called solar collector to cook his food when he was in Africa. Solar power is more efficient than the our current power source. The process for making electricity is called photovoltaic, it is used in solar panels. Solar panels could possibly save the world one day. Think about it what if all the power in the world goes out. Solar power could be the only power source for us. I've been thinking about if whether I could make a space station that have solar panels. N.A.S.A is currently designing a space station with panels. I'm also designing one that works differently than other stations would. The one I'm designing has the power to send sunlight down to earth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Freedom or Security

Freedom is important to all forms of life but, without security there can be no freedom. Security is needed to protect our freedom. You can't have one without the other. The world is dangerous place and security is needed more than ever.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Are Chicken Evil?

Chickens, my favorite food. The chicken is good and smells good. But are your evil? YES!!! They are mostly don't attack people, but now they do.

Philsolphy of Government

I believe in a very strong government. Laws should harsh enough to stop people from commiting crimes.